Motion Photography

Motion photography is something that when used can have a very powerful affect on its audience.

But why should you use it?

Most use motion blur to create the sense of movement in their otherwise static photograph. You are not freezing one moment in time you a capturing what the essence of the movement is.

When used effectively and correctly motion blur in photography is something that will add not only to the creativity of the photograph but also to the overall aesthetic appeal of the photograph.

So you’ve decided you want to take motion blur photographs; here are some tips to effectively take great and powerful photographs.


  1. Be alert and ready to shoot
  2. Look at your surroundings
  3. Two kinds of motion blur
    1. Keep camera still so subject is blurred
    2. Track subject with blur applied to background
  4. Use the shutter speed priority mode
  5. Trace the moving subject
  6. S-AF or Servo Focus
    1. With this camera stays in focus regardless of whether or not you are touching the button
  7. Use a low ISO
    1. Between 200 and 400
  8. One Thirds always works
    1. This is applied to focusing, not just on the center
  9. Steady hands and the perfect pivot
  10. Practice Makes perfect

For more information about these tips visit the website below:

Examples of Motion Blur Photography:


The Coast

By: Timbo Don


The Fairgrounds

By: joiseyshowaa


Star Trails

By: Andrew Stawarz



By: Gerrit Wenz



By: Brent Nashville

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